How I Would Heal My Gut If I Had Inflammation Right Now

Most gut health advice out there is for people to IMPROVE their gut health. 

But if your gut is very inflamed, your colon is bleeding, you have diarrhea more than 10 times a day and you’re in pain, you need different treatment. 

Most standard gut health advice is to eat more fiber, vegetables, fermented foods and take probiotics. 

This is all great when your gut is functioning well and able to digest all that. 

But if you’re having severe gut health issues, all these things will backfire and hurt you even more. 

Fiber will not be broken down and semi-undigested food will end up in your colon, hurting you even more. 

Probiotics and fermented food are full of “good” bacteria, but even “good” bacteria leaking into your bloodstream will cause your immune system to react with inflammatory responses. 

Your body is in a different place, and your diet and lifestyle need to meet you there.

Note that this is not medical advice. This just tells my personal journey and how I healed my gut. I am not a doctor. 

You need to understand that healing takes place in different phases and that you will be able to eat different things as your gut wall progresses to heal. 

The food list of safe foods to eat in the beginning will be very limited but they will certainly not be your foods for the rest of your lifetime. 

Once your gut wall starts healing and the inflammation response starts to cool down you can slowly start to add new foods back into your diet. 

Soon enough you will be eating (almost) all the delicious foods you’ve been craving without any issues.

How do you get there? You need to dedicate a phase of your life to healing this thing. 

It will take time.

It won’t be easy.

But it’ll be worth it. 

You won’t only improve your gut health. 

Your overall health will benefit from this. 

Sharp focus, restful sleep, full of energy, clear skin, balanced mood and in the best physical and mental shape of your life. 

I have divided this gut healing process into 4 phases, allowing you to move from one phase to the next.

Depending on the severity of your symptoms you can start in phase 2 and skip phase 1.

If you want to fully heal your gut, this is exactly how I’d start:

Phase 1: Start with a Gut Reset to set the foundation for healing

If you’ve ever ended up in the hospital, your doctors might have put you on parenteral or enteral nutrition.

All vital nutrients go straight into your bloodstream, instead of being digested.

You don’t have to eat anything. 

Most people’s digestive systems heal RAPIDLY during this time.

It has even been shown to be as effective as steroids.

No side effects of a suppressed immune system.

Stanford Medicine 1

Why does this work so well?

You are basically getting out of your body’s way to heal itself. 

Your body has incredible healing capabilities all on its own.

The microbiome changes, returning back to a healthy equilibrium.

And the change in the microbiome is what reduces inflammation and heals your wounds.

You just have to let it.

Stanford Medicine2

So how do you accomplish this without having to go to the hospital?

You can actually buy this formula yourself and drink it. 

You need to be very careful though, because most enteral nutrition formulas are filled with sugar and toxic fillers.

I recommend letting your gut rest, regenerate, cleanse, detox and heal wounds in a more natural way. Fasting.

Fasting has a profound and long-lasting effect on the gut microbiome.

Fasting also prepares you for the following phases by breaking your habits and setting you up for success.

There are various liquid fasting options depending on your current condition (severity, weight, lifestyle), such as 

  • water-only fasting (I do not recommend)
  • Buchinger Therapeutic Fasting
  • vegetable juice fasting
  • Elemental Diet.

Inflammatory processes will rapidly decrease or even vanish entirely.

It’s essential to allow yourself enough rest, relaxation, and sleep during this phase.

Avoid strenuous work, TV, phone, computer screens, or blue light in any form.

Sleep for at least 8 hours a day and do a hobby that you enjoy but is not too strenuous.

Take daily walks outside to get fresh air and sunlight.

If you’re very underweight or your inflammation is not severe, you can skip this phase or do a condensed version of it.

I did a 5-10 day vegetable juice fast, adapted specifically to gut healing by including lots of cabbage, ginger, and turmeric and excluding most fruits and gut-irritating vegetables.

I also believe that vegetable juice fasting is the best way to heal your gut wall fast. 

Water-fasting did not help me because I was very underweight already and my body was deprived of nutrients.

With vegetable juice fasting you are not taking in any fiber, leaving your gut digestion to rest completely.

But you are consuming massive amounts of vital antiinflammatory vitamins and minerals that will boost your body’s healing process.

You are also able to sustain this type of fasting longer because you are getting some energy out of the juices. 

I even continued working a bit while doing this. 

Continue your liquid diet until most bleeding and cramping has disappeared. 

This will go faster than you think.

Phase 2: Reintroduction of solid foods

If you’ve done phase 1, ease into this phase slowly.

Introduce solid food slowly and create a smooth transition from liquid fasting.

Prioritize a diet that is soothing, nourishing, easy to digest, and low in fiber.

Avoid foods that can harm the gut lining or feed bad microbes.

Avoid foods that could remain undigested and lead to fermentation processes in the gut.

Go low-carb (no grains, rice, corn, potatoes etc.)

Cook or steam all your food without using heated oils.

Start with foods that are soft / squishy

Choose high-quality, organic food that is free of toxins and unprocessed.

Rebuild the intestinal mucosa and strengthen your body in this phase.

Be selective with your diet, lifestyle, and environment to support healing.

Prioritize rest and recovery, and avoid stress

Always sleep when you feel tired.

Eat when you’re hungry.

No need to restrict yourself. 

You are probably underweight and need all the calories you can get right now.

Keep your body warm (especially your feet).

Include supplements that support the healing process.

Eat natural anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric, coriander, and blueberries

Stop diarrhea and regulate your stool with psyllium husk and zeolite to allow your microbiome to rebalance

I don’t recommend high-intensity workouts during this phase, though moderate exercise and movement is good if you feel ready for it.

Only drink water and homemade vegetable juices during this time, and avoid tea, coffee (selected herbal teas are ok).

Do not drink carbonated water.

Drink high-quality water and avoid water containing chloride.

Don’t take probiotics yet, but mildly probiotic homemade coconut yogurt is fine.

Avoid all forms of stress. Nothing is more important than your health.

You cannot help anyone until you help yourself first.

Allow time for the gut lining to heal completely, ideally at least 3 months

Move on from this phase when about 60-80% of your symptoms are gone and you don’t have diarrhea or signs of severe inflammation anymore.

Take your time in this healing phase, and don’t rush the process.

Phase 3: Build Resilience & Vitality

This is the fun phase where you’ll be mostly free of your major symptoms and enjoy your improved health and lifestyle, if you’ve gone through the previous phases correctly.

Broaden your food choices and appreciate a wider range of flavors.

Start introducing slightly higher fiber foods to feed the good microbes and improve gut strength.

Be cautious when adding new foods, introducing one carefully chosen food at a time in small portions.

Monitor your body’s response before trying something else.

Increase the amount of new foods slowly if well-tolerated, leaving a gap of 1-2 weeks before adding the next new food.

If you experience any negative reactions to a new food, such as worsening symptoms, leave it out of your diet and try a different food instead.

It’s common to tolerate foods better as your gut heals, so you may want to try reintroducing the food at a later time.

Consider the foods first you’re hungry for and in season locally.

Listen to your body’s response when you add new foods, and be patient if there are any setbacks.

Expect some bloating when introducing new foods, especially in the first few days.

This is a normal reaction as your intestinal flora is adjusting and restructuring.

Trust your body and its signals. 

After a few months of following the diet plan, you will develop a good understanding of what works for you.

Move your body and work out to improve your overall health and fitness level.

Rebuilding your gut flora and restoring your health will boost your energy levels.

As your gut heals, you’ll be able to reach your full energy potential.

Continue supporting your body with carefully chosen supplements that are tailored to your specific diet, symptoms, and overall health.

These supplements can help address any remaining nutrient deficiencies and support your body’s healing process.

Once you have fully healed and are able to eat a wider variety of foods, you may be able to reduce or discontinue certain supplements.

Stick to the basic rules of the plan to maintain your progress and allow for continued healing and restoration of your gut.

Phase 4: Thrive and maintain long-term gut health

Maintain a healthy lifestyle as your goal during this phase.

Continue eating only fresh foods, no sugar or grains, and low carbohydrates for at least 1-2 years after the last symptoms have subsided.

You may be able to indulge from time to time, but prioritize your health.

Avoid triggers that cause inflammation or damage to your gut.

If you are someone with a predisposition to IBD, there is a list of certain things you must avoid to remain in remission and achieve life long health.

If any symptoms should come back, quickly transition to Phase 2 to regain control.

Expect to be stronger with improved skin, hair, fitness, focus, and mental strength.

By committing to this approach, you can achieve a life with optimal health.

Live your life, do great things, and help others do the same

Final Thoughts

The journey to healing your gut is not an easy one, it’s more like a bumpy road, but it’s all part of the natural healing process.

Our bodies are constantly changing, and you have the ability to positively influence your health.

Food is not just fuel, it’s medicine for your body, and with the right diet, mindset and enough determination you can heal your gut and improve your overall health.

Success starts with you.

You must be truly committed to healing and have the right mindset and dedication for it.

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